NAC begins June 21,2022, please be ready

Wed, 05/25/2022 - 17:52

June 21 Network Access Control (NAC) will begin at: 10 Brookline Pl, 27 Drydock, Center for Life Sciences, and Burlington/Overland St

NAC requires all computers to have antivirus, encryption, and current PEAS software for Macs. Specifics can be found here or use the weblink below.

Please check your computers to be prepared for Network Access Control (NAC).

Computers without proper security software will receive pop-up notifications to upgrade once NAC begins. Eventually network access will be blocked if non-compliant..

Those computers connected to lab instruments can click: request a NAC variance to allow use without the security upgrades.

Please email with questions or concerns.

Thank you for helping make our computer environment safer.