Remote access

Research Computing provides the following remote access services, as well as information about frequently requested remote access topics (two-factor authentication, VPN, GoToMyPC):

Terminal servers for Mac users needing PC resources
For DFCI researchers whose primary workstation or laptop is a Mac, Research Computing provides a set of terminal servers to access PC resources and Partners applications. The software works as an emulator of a Partners PC workstation. To access the terminal services, please follow these instructions.

Two-factor authentication
DFCI has adopted the same security process for accessing a number of DFCI information systems as Partners Information Services. Accessing these systems from outside the DFCI/Partners network, or from DFCI’s onsite guest network, requires an additional step beyond submitting your username and password. Get DFCI-specific information on the two-factor authentication policy and process, as well as a DFCI-only process for international access.

Virtual Private Network (VPN)
A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows someone to work remotely from DFCI while having access to all systems and software as though they were at their onsite work space. VPN is available for Macs and PCs, and is the recommended way to access DFCI resources remotely. Learn more at Partners Research Computing website: Request VPN access, VPN access links, Mac VPN instructions

GoToMyPC (managed by DFCI Client Services)
GoToMyPC creates a secure connection between an offsite computer and a computer on the DFCI campus, interfacing with the onsite computer via an offsite computer screen, keyboard, and mouse. Depending on the speed of the network connection, a user may experience slight delays when typing or clicking. Learn how to request a GoToMyPC account.