Research Computing Infrastructure request form

Code42 (CrashPlan)

Code42, previously known as CrashPlan, is a backup software solution provided by Research Computing Infrastructure for the protection of desktop and laptop computers. It allows you to protect your local machine's files on network storage for safekeeping. 
Please note that we don't consider local external storage media solutions like TimeMachine to be sufficient as a backup solution for research data. While local external storage solutions can be useful, they can and do fail.

Non-Partners PC & Mac support

Frontline Support provides advanced technical support to DFCI faculty and staff, distinct and in addition to the Partners Service Desk (Help Desk). Included in our support domain are non-standard equipment and configurations that are part of the diversity of tools and configurations critical to successful research work. Our goal is to have a well-staffed support team with the right blend of technical expertise and knowledge to support the wide array of activities carried out by DFCI faculty and staff.